1960s Playbills


The Winter's Tale/ William Shakespeare

World Worth My Winning/ R. Gardiner

Hansel and Gretel/ L. & R. Masters

Murder in the Cathedral/ T.S. Eliot

Festival/ S. & B. Spewack

Happy as Larry/ D. McDonagh


Hamlet/ William Shakespeare

Cinderella/ C. Chorpenning

The Heiress/ Ruth & Augustus Goetz

Point of Departure/ Jean Anouilh

Simon and Laura/ A. Melville

Girl in the Garden (One-Act)/ I. Gardiner


Macbeth/ William Shakespeare

Arabian Nights/ S. Grundy

Alice in Wonderland/ M. Miller

Caesar and Cleopatra/ George Bernard Shaw

Love and Libel/ R. Davies

The Dumb Waiter (One-Act)/ Harold Pinter


Summer of the Seventeenth Doll/ R. Lawler

Jack and the Beanstalk/ C. Chorpenning

Waiting for Godot/ Samuel Beckett

The Father/ August Strindberg


Reynard the Fox/ A. Fauquez

Domino moves to 8 Princess Street

I Am a Camera/ J. van Druten

Roots/ A. Wesker

Thieves; Carnival/ Jean Anouilh


The Fourposter/ Jan de Hartog

Serjeant Musgrave's Dance/ John Arden

Red Riding Hood/ D. Robb & P. Patterson

The Lady's Not for Burning/ Christopher Fry

A Taste of Honey/ S. Delaney

The Shadow of a Gunman/ Sean O'Casey

The Seven-Year Itch/ G. Axelrod


Ten Little Indians/ Agatha Christie

The Seagull/ Anton Chekov

The Wizard of Oz/ E. Chapman

The Way of the World/ William Congreve

Six Characters in Search of an Author/ Luigi Pirandello

Look Back in Anger/ J. Osborne

Mary, Mary/ J. Kerr


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?/ Edward Albee

Live Like Pigs/ John Arden

The Dandy Lion/ P. Patterson & D. Robb

Man and Superman/ George Bernard Shaw

A Time of Winter/ David Helwig

Under Milkwood/ Dylan Thomas

Never Too Late/ S.A. Long


The Three Penny Opera/ Bertolt Brecht

Amédée/ Eugene Ionesco

The Human Equation (One-Act)/ L. MacDonald

Cinderella/ C. Chorpenning

The Crucible/ Arthur Miller

The Hostage/ Brendan Behan

Puff and the Pirates/ R. Bell

The Beaux Stratagem/ G. Farquhar

The Empire Builders/ B. Vian


A Flea in Her Ear/ Georges Feydeau

You Never Can Tell/ George Bernard Shaw

Christmas in a Happy Time/ V. Hirschfeld (adapted)

Ten Nights in a Bar-Room/ William Pratt

The Hanging Rope/ R. Gurik (trans F. Gallays)

The Gazebo/ A. Coppel

Boeing-Boeing/ Marc Camoletti & Beverley Cross


The General's Tea Party/ B. Vian

The Killing of Sister George/ F. Marcus

Rumplestiltskin/ C. Chorpenning

A Gown for His Mistress/ Georges Feydeau

The Dark at the Top of the Stairs/ William Inge

Gaslight/ Patrick Hamilton

Music Hall (1st Production)