Upcoming Auditions
Unity (1918)
By Kevin Kerr
Directed by Leanna Williams
Audition Dates:
Sunday, January 19 2-4 pm
Tuesday, January 21 7-9 pm
At 52 Church Street
Performance Dates: April 24 – May 10
In the fall of 1918, the town of Unity, Saskatchewan is celebrating the end of World War One and the return of its young soldiers. However, the resilience of the town is tested as a new and unexpected challenge emerges. Kevin Kerr's Governor-General’s Award-winning play, Unity (1918), is a painfully funny work of moving familiarity, hope in the midst of loss, and how this small farming community faces
the impossible.
Roles Required
BEATRICE, a farmer's daughter, caring, observant, playing age teens - 20s
SISSY, Beatrice's younger sister, a doomsday prophet, lively, playing age teens - 20s
MARY, a debutante, Beatrice's best friend, playing age teens - 20s
ROSE, a telephone operator, quick, playing age 40s - 50s
DORIS, a telephone operator, direct, playing age 40s - 50s
SUNNA, a mortician, an outcast, hard-working, playing age teens - 20s
STAN, an incompetent farmer and widower, playing age 30s - 40s
HART, a blinded war hero, playing age 20s
MICHAEL, a farmhand, playing age 20s
GLEN, a returning war veteran, playing age 20s
TWO MEN, farmers, any age
A CHAPERONE, any age
The audition will consist of a group warm-up, partnered scene work, and an optional monologue. We ask that you wear comfortable clothing and shoes that you can move in. There is no preparation required for the scene work. We will have printed copies of the chosen scenes for everyone to work with.
Click here for a selection of monologues from the show. Please choose and prepare one of the monologue options that speaks to you.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out at leanna.will@outlook.com.
If you would like to be notified by email of future Domino auditions, please email webmaster@dominotheatre.com to be added.